It was apparent that we should have changed the outing at the onset, and spent all day lounging near the coast because the day had a hint of summer expansiveness that was not conducive to “completing” a traverse, or anything. Nevertheless, the boys stretched their edges to balance fun and exploration with the outing’s focus of reaching the Boys EC service site in Happy Valley Park.
We pushed onwards until we had a nice view of Bellingham Bay before having lunch. Boys ate, joked, and laughed. Some slept and others continued their carving journey from last outing. Once again, we got the gears moving slowly and found the interurban trail which was to guide us for the most of the rest of our outing.
Some games of Hide kept us occupied as we passed 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th streets. We learned to identify plants as we walked. Please ask your Explorer if he remembers the three trees (Western Hemlock, Douglas Fir, and Grand Fir) we found along the first part of our route.
The next occurred when boys and mentors explored a gorgeous plant with pink tubular flowers. Ribes sanguineum is one of the first blooming spring plants and is connected with a unique pollinator. Ask your Explorer if he remembers the coincidence and what that pollinator species is!
We identified Indium Plum, the leaves of which your Explorers may tell you smell like cucumber when crushed. Its drooping clusters of 5-petaled white flowers are yet another sign of this primary bloomer. We walked upcreek in the shade of giant Black Cottonwood trees, all the while tracking the route of the salmon.
Indeed one of the objectives of this outing (yup, we do have some goals in mind :) ) was to connect Explorers with the service work they will do next outing. By tracing the salmons “steps” up to Connelly Creek from Bellingham Bay, we hope that the boys will see how vital their service work is to the salmon, the watershed, and to our community. Habitat restoration will lead to clear, clean water upcreek that flows and weaves through the entirety of Happy Valley and Fairhaven to the ocean.
The last stage of the day was finding Padden Creek after it crosses under Old Fairhaven Parkway. We wandered through thickets of salmonberry and blackberry and marshy footing as we arrived to the confluence of Padden and Connelly Creeks. At this juncture we held closing meeting, shared apples, and participated in a Circle of Thanks.
As we ambled through the rest of the riparian zone we came to the Connelly Creek bridge and considered, albeit briefly, the habitat downcreek versus upcreek of the bridge. We have a lot of work to do to help this habitat, Explorers. Uncharacteristically, we arrived to our parents right on time. What an outing- we managed to balance our wanderlust with a focused intention!
Thank you Explorers for such a strong presence today. You are growing faster than we can keep up but we have intention for the rest of the season- service, carving, and Spider’s Web. Parents, thank you for encouraging these boys and supporting our traverse by driving to two different locations. The journey was only doable because of your help!
Please see more pictures from this outing in the photo gallery. We look forward to seeing you at the next outing from 11am-3pm on Saturday, April 26th.
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